Your Trusted HVAC Maintenance & Coil Cleaning Experts in Riverside, CA

Discover the power of efficient HVAC systems & Coil cleaning with Expert Coil Cleaning. We are your go-to experts for comprehensive coil cleaning services provider. Enhance performance, improve energy efficiency, and reduce operational costs

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Our Mission

To deliver unparalleled coil cleaning services that enhance system efficiency, air quality, and overall well-being for our clients.

Our Vision

To be the benchmark for coil cleaning excellence nationwide, constantly innovating and expanding our reach to meet and exceed the evolving needs of our communities.

Our Core Values

Efficiency and Innovation: Our Coil Cleaning service reflects our commitment to innovative solutions that enhance system efficiency, saving energy and promoting environmental sustainability.

Our Services

Residential HVAC Coil Cleaning

Ensure your home’s comfort and air quality with our comprehensive residential HVAC coil cleaning services in Riverside, CA. Our expert technicians specialize in both air conditioner and heating system coil cleaning, utilizing the latest techniques and eco-friendly solutions to restore system efficiency and indoor air quality.

Commercial HVAC System Cleaning

Our commercial HVAC system cleaning services are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses. From rooftop unit coil cleaning to specialized refrigeration coil cleaning, we ensure your systems operate at peak performance, providing a safe and comfortable environment for your employees and customers.

Specialized Coil Cleaning Services

We offer a range of specialized coil cleaning services in Riverside, CA tailored to your specific needs, including evaporator and condenser coil cleaning, mini-split/ductless system coil cleaning, and more. Our advanced cleaning methods and state-of-the-art equipment guarantee the best results.

Eco-Friendly Coil Cleaning

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our eco-friendly coil cleaning solutions. We use non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning agents to ensure a safe and effective cleaning process, protecting both the environment and your indoor air quality.

Coil Protection Services

Extend the lifespan of your HVAC system with our coil protection services in Riverside, CA. We offer coil coating and anti-microbial treatments to prevent corrosion and microbial growth, ensuring your system remains efficient and hygienic.

Additional HVAC Services

We provide a comprehensive range of HVAC services beyond coil cleaning, including air purification and filtration solutions, duct cleaning and sealing, preventative maintenance and inspection plans, emergency services, and HVAC system upgrades and retrofitting.

Why Choose Urban Carpet Cleaning Services?

With years of dedicated service in the HVAC industry, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every job. Our technicians are not only certified but also undergo continuous training to stay abreast of the latest technologies and methods in coil cleaning. This commitment to excellence ensures that we can tackle any challenge, from standard residential units to complex commercial systems, with precision and professionalism.

We understand that each HVAC system is unique, and so are your needs. Our comprehensive range of services, from residential and commercial coil cleaning to specialized and eco-friendly options, ensures that we have the perfect solution for every scenario. Whether you're looking to improve your home's air quality or enhance the efficiency of a large-scale commercial HVAC system, we've got you covered.

We invest in the latest coil cleaning technologies and equipment to deliver superior results. Our state-of-the-art tools allow us to clean coils more efficiently and effectively, minimizing downtime and maximizing the performance of your HVAC system. This investment in technology reflects our commitment to providing the best possible service to our clients.

Environmental responsibility is at the core of our business philosophy. We use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning agents in all our coil cleaning processes, ensuring the safety and well-being of your family, employees, and the planet. Our green cleaning solutions are just as effective as traditional methods but without the harmful chemicals.

Transparency in pricing is a cornerstone of our business. We provide clear, upfront estimates without hidden fees, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. Our competitive pricing, combined with the high quality of our services, offers exceptional value that sets us apart from the competition.

Coil Cleaning Service Cost

Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning Cost

Pricing for air conditioner coil cleaning starts at $100 and can go up to $250. The cost variation accounts for the complexity of the job, which includes a thorough inspection and cleaning of both the evaporator and condenser coils. Factors influencing the price include the unit's accessibility, the degree of dirt and debris buildup, and the unit's size. Our service not only restores efficiency but also improves your home's air quality, making it a valuable investment in your comfort and health.

Heating System Coil Cleaning Cost

Heating system coil cleaning is essential for maintaining the performance and safety of your heating unit. Prices range from $100 to $300, reflecting the intricacies of the heating system, including the type of coils, accessibility, and the amount of cleaning required. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of potentially harmful substances and ensures your system runs efficiently, ultimately saving you money on energy bills and potential repair costs.

Rooftop Unit Coil Cleaning Cost

Commercial rooftop units demand specialized cleaning due to their exposure to outdoor elements and complex configurations. Our pricing for this service ranges from $300 to $600 per unit, encompassing a comprehensive cleaning process that enhances system performance and longevity. The price accounts for the unit's size, location, and the specific challenges presented by rooftop installations, including safety and accessibility considerations.

Refrigeration Coil Cleaning Cost

For businesses relying on refrigeration, such as restaurants and grocery stores, efficient cooling is non-negotiable. Our refrigeration coil cleaning services are priced between $150 and $400, depending on the refrigeration unit's type and size and the extent of coil contamination. This service is critical for preventing product spoilage, maintaining energy efficiency, and extending the life of your refrigeration units.

Evaporator and Condenser Coil Cleaning Cost

This combined service targets both evaporator and condenser coils, key components in your HVAC system's efficiency. With prices ranging from $200 to $500, the service includes a detailed cleaning process that removes all forms of buildup, restoring optimal system function. Factors such as system accessibility, coil condition, and the complexity of the cleaning process influence the final cost.

Mini-Split/Ductless System Coil Cleaning Cost

Given the unique design of mini-split systems, specialized cleaning methods are required. Our services for these systems start at $100 and can go up to $250 per unit. This price reflects the delicate nature of mini-split coil cleaning, which involves precision and attention to detail to ensure the system's efficiency and longevity.

Green Coil Cleaning Solutions Cost

Opting for eco-friendly coil cleaning involves a slight premium, typically an additional 10-20% on top of the standard cleaning cost. This premium accounts for the use of specialized, environmentally friendly cleaning agents that are safe for your home or business and the planet. These solutions not only clean effectively but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.

Coil Coating Cost

Coil coating services are offered between $150 and $350 per unit, providing a protective layer that extends the life of your coils by preventing corrosion and wear. The cost is influenced by the coil size, the type of coating used, and the complexity of the application process.

Anti-Microbial Treatments Cost

Starting at $100 and going up to $300, anti-microbial treatments are an essential investment in the health and efficiency of your HVAC system. These treatments prevent the growth of mold and bacteria on your coils, ensuring clean air circulation and reducing potential health risks.



Why is regular coil cleaning necessary for my HVAC system?

Regular coil cleaning is essential to maintain the efficiency of your HVAC system. Over time, coils accumulate dirt and debris, hindering their ability to transfer heat effectively. Clean coils ensure optimal performance, lower energy consumption, and an extended lifespan for your HVAC unit.

How often should I schedule coil cleaning for my HVAC system?

The frequency of coil cleaning depends on factors like usage, location, and environmental conditions. In general, it is recommended to have your coils cleaned at least once a year. However, high-use environments or locations with increased dust and pollutants may benefit from more frequent cleaning.

Can I clean the coils myself, or should I hire professionals?

YWhile basic maintenance like changing filters can be done by homeowners, thorough coil cleaning is best left to professionals. UrbanCoilCare's technicians have the expertise, specialized equipment, and knowledge to ensure a comprehensive cleaning without causing damage to your HVAC system.

How long will it take for my carpets to be cleaned?

The duration of carpet cleaning depends on factors like the size of the area, the extent of soiling, and the drying method used. On average, it may take 2-3 hours, and we recommend allowing additional time for the carpets to dry completely.

How long does the coil cleaning process take?

The duration of the coil cleaning process varies based on factors such as the size of the HVAC system, the extent of dirt buildup, and accessibility to the coils. Generally, a standard coil cleaning service by UrbanCoilCare takes a few hours. We strive to work efficiently to minimize any inconvenience to our clients.

Will coil cleaning help reduce my energy bills?

Absolutely! Clean coils ensure that your HVAC system operates efficiently, leading to lower energy consumption. By removing the dirt and debris that hinder heat transfer, UrbanCoilCare's cleaning services can contribute to energy savings and a more cost-effective heating and cooling system.

Is coil cleaning necessary if my HVAC system seems to be working fine?

Yes, it is still advisable to schedule regular coil cleaning even if your HVAC system appears to be functioning well. Many issues, such as reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption, can be subtle at first. Regular maintenance by UrbanCoilCare helps prevent potential problems and keeps your system running smoothly.

Are UrbanCoilCleaing services safe for my HVAC system?

Absolutely. Our technicians are trained professionals who follow industry best practices. UrbanCoilCare uses safe and effective cleaning methods that won't harm your HVAC system. We prioritize the health and longevity of your equipment in every service we provide.

Contact Us Now! Get a Free Consultation for Your Coil Cleaning.